カテゴリーアーカイブ: 自動運転
electric motorcycle never falls down
autonomous bike
Hexonic selfdrivingcars seven sensors analyze road grip temperature and surface
This wheel can add 100 horsepower to any car
四駆のオートフリーハブとか遠心クラッチや電磁クラッチ類をつけてエンジンからの駆動をカットすれば、モーターだけの走行で車庫入れを自動化なんてこともできますか ( ・∀・)ノ
Uber carefully tests their driverlesscars for roadsafety
autonomous rally car
How does AutonomousVehicles works
How does #AutonomousVehicles works? @Waymo shows us this #technology works!#AI #Driverless #IoT via @Seeker@MikeQuindazzi @Ronald_vanLoon @HaroldSinnott @Paula_Piccard @kashthefuturist @diioannid @SBourremani @Blockchic @fogoros @rtehrani @JimHarris @jellsmoor @MHiesboeck pic.twitter.com/cg6zGJwic5
— eCoachManager 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇳🇿 (@e_CoachManager) November 21, 2018
How #selfDrivingCar see the world !@Waymo #AI #LiDAR #ML MT @evankirstel@diioannid @Paula_Piccard @mclynd @diioannid @SpirosMargaris @ipfconline1 @JacBurns_Comext @LouisSerge @jerome_joffre @HaroldSinnott @kalydeoo @ahier @Ym78200 @sallyeaves @rajat_shrimal @HITpol @3itcom pic.twitter.com/DCUwmW5txb
— Jean-Baptiste Lefevre (@jblefevre60) November 22, 2018
MotoGP Robots
#MotoGP #Robots #motorcycle-riding robot, on racetrack to surpass Vale
via @nieuwsmotor
cc @Nathealings @JeffreyBuskey @chboursin @AccentureTech @edmuke @Julez_Norton @sallyeaves @chboursin @kashthefuturist @Xbond49 @HaroldSinnott @globaliqx @terence_mills @thomaspower @ahier pic.twitter.com/5CKyM9bMQd— Heinz V. Hoenen (@HeinzVHoenen) October 29, 2018