tiny robot leap into the air
Watch this tiny robot leap into the air#robotics #AI #robots@psb_dc @diioannid @Paula_Piccard @mclynd @diioannid @ipfconline1 @JacBurns_Comext @LouisSerge @jerome_joffre @HaroldSinnott @ahier @rajat_shrimal @kalydeoo @sallyeaves @Ym78200 @sebbourguignon @3itcom pic.twitter.com/XxFU6p1cMi
— Dr. Kash Sirinanda (@kashthefuturist) November 3, 2018
The wings of this flying #robot are powered by #laser beams #innovation #robotics #Robots #tech #IoT #AI #hrtech #RPA #futureofwork #seo #video #STEM #Industry40 @Ronald_vanLoon @mclynd @mikequindazzi @diioannid @grattonboy @dinisguarda @Paula_Piccard @gvalan @debashis_dutta pic.twitter.com/O4YRs42tIH
— Balakrishna Rao (@PBalakrishnaRao) November 29, 2018
Small sizes will bring more affordable utilities at some space via @Seeker #tech #digital #data @omeroymak @kashthefuturist @HaroldSinnott @sebasincha @rajat_shrimal @MHiesboeck @KenLittle @TerenceLeungSF @enricomolinari @alvinfoo @reach2ratan pic.twitter.com/7wfggqQAUH
— Kohei Kurihara Blockchain CMO (@kuriharan) November 29, 2018