Tetsuta Nagashima
- 現在地: NB41 @NB41_MX » 転倒 » Tetsuta Nagashima
- 公開日時: 日曜日 - 30 12月 2018
- カテゴリー: 転倒
Surf's up!
— MotoGP™
Tetsuta Nagashima goes for a wild ride at the 2018 #AustrianGP!
This had to be one of the craziest moments of the season! pic.twitter.com/4KWNIouCWg(@MotoGP) December 25, 2018
2018 Review: Best Clips
— MotoGP™
SURFING in Austria!
Wonder if @tetsuta45 has been practising his new hobby over the winter break..pic.twitter.com/RapSUl2atb
(@MotoGP) December 27, 2018