optical illusion
- 現在地: NB41 @NB41_MX » VR » optical illusion
- 公開日時: 木曜日 - 28 3月 2019
- カテゴリー: VR
This isn't a gif but a still image pic.twitter.com/pIiemSYZLb
— Universal-Sci (@universal_sci) March 26, 2019
Stare at the white dot for 10 seconds, then look at Van Gogh's Starry Night below. pic.twitter.com/GDECuOrdau
— Universal-Sci (@universal_sci) March 27, 2019
There are only 4 circles in this picture, and none of them touch. pic.twitter.com/2O1urKLmBp
— Universal-Sci (@universal_sci) March 26, 2019